Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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DigitalVet Goals

A real-time interactive laboratory in the field of Smart Home Systems will be developed. In this program, there are application simulation theories, procedures, and areas where student observations can be noted. At the same time, the program includes virtually common workshop materials. The teacher will design the application related process steps and theory.

The aim is to minimize deficiencies in applied education that constitutes the establishment purpose of VET centres and is insufficient in the distance learning process.

With the platform created, teachers will be able to provide practical training to students, project studies can be made as practice, and if there are any deficiencies in the subjects / achievements, the evaluation will be made immediately and each student will be able to monitor at their own pace. Students will be able to transform the theoretical knowledge they have learned through distance education into practice within the distance education process, this will enable students to learn permanently / by doing, motivate the student to learn, instantly correct mistakes, ensure active participation in the learning process and guarantee personal progress.