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EthaziENG 2

Challenge-based collaborative learning

The central element on which the whole learning model is based is collaborative learning based on challenges.

The approach of a problematic situation, its transformation into a challenge, as well as the whole process until a result is obtained, is structured on the basis of both the technical and specific competences of each cycle and those transversal competences which at this time have a strategic character, such as autonomy, involvement and communication.

“The work process must enable the students live the situation like a challenge and search the best solutions”

The problem situations, in all cases, are posed to a class configured in teams, where the work process has to make it possible for the students to live the situation as a challenge; starting from there, they have to have the opportunity to generate the necessary knowledge that allows them to provide the best solutions.


Self-managed cycle teaching teams.
Evaluate in order to evolve in the development of competences.
Adequacy of learning spaces.

More information.