Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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Collaborating with educational centres

At Miguel Altuna we develop innovation projects in collaboration with other VET centres promoted by Tknika.

Projects in progress (2021):

Digital Retrofitting.
3D Scanner by Robot.
Online measurements and control.

Deployment of an “on premises” Hadoop big data cluster.


Finished projects:

  • Topological optimisation.
  • 3D wig injection.
  • Printing of large surfaces.
  • Process data acquisition in machine tools 4.0 (2018-2019).
  • Reverse engineering and topological optimisation (2018-2019).
  • Advanced Manufacturing Node (2018-2019)
  • Interactive DBRFM (2018-2019)
  • Development of personal image application using 3D scanning and 3D printing (2018-2019)
  • Development of a machine for the calibration of gauges and standards using a telecentric camera (2017-2018)
  • Study of the formability of stainless steels (2017-2018)
  • Virtual Environments (2017-2018)
  • Augmented Reality in Mechanical Manufacturing (2016-2017)
  • Direct Servo in Forming Technology (2016-2017)
  • Data Capture and Processing in Smart Manufacturing (2016-2017)
  • Safety Integrated (2016-2017)
  • Reverse Engineering (2010-2017)
  • Collaborative Robotics (2015-2016)
  • Parameterised CNC programming (2015-2016)
  • Collagen (2015-2016)