Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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Added Value


To make research and applied innovation the backbone of Vocational Training in the Basque Country, to make progress in new learning environments and processes and to reduce the skills gap from the moment an idea or technology arises until society benefits from it.

Through vigilance and competitive intelligence, the design, development, implementation and transfer of innovative products and services with high added value to vocational training centres and, from there, to the business sector. Through a dynamic open to collaboration and the establishment of alliances, encouraging the generation of networks, teamwork, creativity and sustainability.

"The number of trainees and companies participating in DUAL is increasing year after year".


The VET Olympics, known as SKILLS, is a competition where different areas are worked on.

Through these Olympics, skills competitions are promoted as a valuable instrument for disseminating vocational training and a means of stimulating students, teachers and companies, as well as a platform for exchange and a forum for debate on the evolution of professional standards, quality and innovation in the different productive sectors.


Within the European Erasmus + programme for Vocational Training, in terms of work placements abroad. These are grants given by the European Community in the form of scholarships. Miguel Altuna LH has been managing its own grants for some years now.

Every year we present a project which helps us manage the internships for our students in different European countries. These three-month internships are carried out in companies related to the studies carried out at the centre. Apart from the internships, the cross cultural fusion makes it an unforgettable experience. Socializing also enriches the personality of the student.

ERASMUS+ (National Portal).

ERASMUS+ (Programme).


In recent years, within the didactics of the Basque language and in relation to the linguistic training of the teaching staff, the material and the knowledge and use of the Basque language among the students, the schools of the Basque Country have taken a significant step forward. In order to consolidate these steps and to make possible a plan for the normalization of Basque within the centre, we have seen the need to implement an Integral Plan.

This plan, besides containing the partial projects that have been carried out, has also had an influence on the relationship of coexistence between the collective in the linguistic community (teachers, parents, monitors…).

This plan must start by analysing the reality of the Basque language in the centre and then set the guidelines and objectives for the following years. The agreement of all members will always be taken into account and the necessary measures and resources will be provided. All the centres grouped within the Ulibarri program are involved in this effort through their Language Plans.



Ikasenpresa is an educational program developed around the creation of companies in the classroom.

The objectives of this project include bringing the business world into the classroom, promoting the development of entrepreneurial skills (creativity, innovation, teamwork, decision making, initiative, leadership, commitment and determination, negotiation, etc.), stimulating the approach to other cultures and social realities and promoting cooperation between schools.


"We participate in all kinds of programs and initiatives; national, state, international..."


Creating a company is not an easy task; therefore, Miguel Altuna participates in the Urratsbat project promoted by the Vice-Ministry of Vocational Training and is committed to supporting its students, former students and anyone who is related to the centre and interested in creating a new company, turning Miguel Altuna into a business incubator.

If the business projects so require, the participants of the program may also use other facilities, such as the centre’s workshops to make the prototypes of the product under study.

For this reason, we have:

A responsible person at Miguel Altuna at the disposal of the promoter throughout the process.
An Entrepreneur’s Office, at Miguel Altuna properly equipped, so that the necessary work can be carried out in the process of creating your company.
Possibility of using Miguel Altuna’s equipment/facilities during the launching phase.
Comprehensive advisory service to help entrepreneurs turn their business idea into a business reality.

ETHAZI: High Performance Cycles

Since the 2017-2018 academic year, all the training cycles of the Miguel Altuna of Bergara are offered under this learning model.

The central element on which the learning model is articulated is the CHALLENGE-BASED COLLABORATIVE LEARNING.

A problematic situation is posed, it is transformed into a challenge and the whole process is oriented towards obtaining a result.

This work proposal does not fit the structural model as we used to known; elements such as timetables, evaluations, classroom configuration, etc. in their current format are no longer valid and need to be rethought and consequently redefined.


With the aim of promoting innovation in SMEs, we are part of a network formed by VET centres and we put at your disposal all our infrastructure and accumulated knowledge.

Info +:


Focusing on the driving companies of the region and with an eye on future trends, the hubs identify and prioritize the necessary differential capabilities. To this end, we coordinate with leading companies in the Basque Country that help us to identify these capabilities and propose the initiatives and projects to be developed. Miguel Altuna Lanbide Heziketa participates in the Advanced Manufacturing hub.


This is a learning process that blends lessons with in-company training and apprenticeship periods. Students attend classes at Miguel Altuna and in turn have a contract for training and apprenticeship in the company for which they receive a salary.

The guide that gathers all the information and documentation related to the DUAL, you can get HERE.


We believe that nowadays it is of utmost importance to be up to date and respond to the needs demanded by the pedagogical and industrial development, that is why some years ago we considered that going beyond our borders could be a great opportunity to open new ways to our concerns.

At this moment we can say that it has been an interesting and very satisfactory experience. We started this journey in 2008, with the first international project MAIATZ-SIMULFORM, and since then we have been part of many projects, in four of them as coordinators: COOP-PBL- IN VET, FEM FORGING, KNOW 3D TECH, Ebridge 2 VET Mobility, EntraiMo edo eta DOST.

In addition to these projects that are already completed, we are currently involved in two other international projects, such as Engender and Vetriangle. The added value that this experience has given us has been reflected in a better preparation of our teachers, which translates into a better preparation of our students, being directly benefited, of course, the companies of the region with which we collaborate.

Seeing the results obtained, it leads us to have the firm disposition to continue working in this direction.