LHL Lanbide Heziketaren Lagunak is a non-profit association that works together with the Miguel Altuna LHII centre in Bergara.
During these years, LHL Lanbide Heziketaren Lagunak has contributed in the management of:
Registration of placement applications and offers.
Renewals and modifications.
Personal interviews.
Guidance and information on the labour market situation
Guidance and information on training offers.
Individualised follow-up helping people to determine their skills and interests in order to prepare their CV.
Since 2006, the Lifelong Learning Mediation Service, Bizikasi now colled IkasDebagoiena, has also been working in LHL Lanbide Heziketaren Lagunak, thus offering all the educational information of the region (www.hiru.eus), helping to obtain the course information they need and promoting personal development and facilitating the organisation of activities (courses, talks, workshops, etc.) with the collaboration of different agents in the region.
Unemployed people.
Active people who want to change or improve their employment situation.
People with difficulties in integrating into the labour market.
People at risk of exclusion.
In general, people actively seeking employment.