Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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Your Bridge

Miguel Altuna is committed to comprehensive training at all levels. For this reason, at Miguel Altuna we offer Initial Training and Training for Employment, using the best technological processes and innovative educational methodologies.

We make our training part of a profound industrial, innovative and competitive vocation, based on continuous improvement and working on participatory training in which the methodologies are part of the process. Thus, companies and vocational training work hand in hand in order to create common projects in development, knowledge transfer and innovation programmes.

"We work for training based on continuous improvement and innovation".

The characteristics of the projects are described in the strategic objectives of the centre. In order to develop the aforementioned objectives, Miguel Altuna takes into account the mission and vision of the school itself.

All of this is framed within a strategic plan endorsed by the entire school staff where the guidelines to be followed have been established, taking the project and its development as a reference:

  • To focus on innovation and to be a benchmark in new technologies.
  • To be an international benchmark in our own specialities (to encourage internationalisation).
  • To develop infrastructures that are appropriate to the environment.
  • Make the world of work and the world of training work together, creating dynamics and making them dynamic in order to be able to respond to the new challenges that arise in society and in the world of work.
  • Work on diversity and multilingualism, guaranteeing the use of the Basque language.
  • To guarantee good communication.
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