Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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Language policy


The training offer at Miguel Altuna Vocational Training Centre is multilingual, giving priority to Basque. Depending on the linguistic profile of the students, the Spanish language model is also offered. In addition to this, in each course there is the possibility of teaching two or three modules in English.

Teachers are able to work in Basque and Spanish. The aim is to enable teachers to work with a third language (mainly English).

All of the above is included in the Strategic Plan, and Basque is broken down by areas in the Ulibarri programme.



In recent years, within the teaching of Basque and in relation to the linguistic training of teachers, material and the knowledge and use of Basque among pupils, schools in the Basque Country have taken a significant step forward.

In order to consolidate these steps and make a viable plan for the normalisation of Basque, we have felt the need to implement an Integral Plan.

This plan, as well as containing the partial projects that have been carried out, has also had an influence on the coexistence between the group that makes up the language community (teaching staff, parents, etc.).

This plan must be based on an analysis of the reality of Basque language in the centre. The guidelines and objectives for the coming years will be established on the basis of this analysis. The agreement of all members will be taken into account and the necessary measures and resources will be provided. All the centres grouped in the Ulibarri programme are united in this endeavour through their Language Plans.

More information: Miguel Altuna’s Basque Language Strategic Plan