Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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Risk prevention and environment


The aim of the following process is the compulsory compliance with the coordination of business activities, i.e. to efficiently protect both internal and external staff (as indicated in article 3 of Royal Decree 171/2004 of 30 January, which regulates the non-university public schools of the Department of Education, Language Policy and Culture of the Basque Government).

The coordination of business activities for the prevention of occupational risks must guarantee compliance with the following objectives:

1. The coherent and responsible application of the principles of preventive action established in Article 15 of Law 31/1995, of 8 November, on the Prevention of Occupational Hazards, by the companies that concur in the workplace.

2. The correct application of the working methods by the concurrent companies in the workplace.

3. The control of the interactions of the different activities carried out in the workplace, in particular when they may generate risks classified as serious or very serious or when activities are carried out in the workplace that are incompatible with each other due to their impact on the health and safety of the people who work there.

4. The adequacy between the risks existing in the workplace that may affect the people working in the concurrent enterprises and the measures applied for their prevention.

"The prominence of the educational community, and especially of the students, are our main axes"


Agenda 2030 is a programme of education for sustainability and quality of the centre based on the participation of the school community and which aims to get involved in the development of sustainability both in Bergara and in the Alto Deba region.

Education for sustainable development (EESD) has been promoted by UNESCO since 1992. In this Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development we are entering into the strategy of the future. The participation of Agenda 2030 is fundamental. In fact, the participation and relevance of the educational community and especially of students are focused on the promotion of responsible and sustainable management, on the construction of diverse frameworks and on a scenario that respects the perspectives of the global world, always following the central axis of these Sustainable Development Goals.

It concerns educational diversity, linguistic diversity and curricular innovation.