In this section you will find all the information and documentation related to DUAL VET that the company may need.
- It is a tool for the selection and recruitment of personnel.
- It prepares qualified personnel adapted to your needs and trained in your business processes and culture.
- Facilitates generational succession in the company.
- Flexible program adapted to the needs of the companies.
- Allows students or interns to identify with the company, its values and its way of doing things.
- Promotes its social responsibility by becoming a training company, conveys an image of dynamism, modernity and commitment to society, and can gain presence in the media and thus increase its visibility.
- Goes from simply working to working with and training students.
- Acquires or improves skills such as teamwork, organization, conflict management and communication.
- They transmit their knowledge to the new generations; and not only their professional skills, but also everything that cannot be found in books or manuals.
- It is enriched by the contributions of the trainee, as he/she may learn new techniques or have skills that complement his/her own.
- The fact that the company assigns you the task of being responsible for mentoring trainees is a recognition on the part of the company, since it is saying “we trust you, we value your work and we want you to pass it on to the people who will work for our company in the future”.
The achievement of the objectives of the Work Center Training is linked to the work program approved in the system.
The main beneficiaries of this dual program are the students of Formative Cycles, although the competences that the student will work on during the stay in the work center will be agreed between the tutor of the centers and the teacher of the company, since the tutor knows the level of training of the student and his/her need to put it into practice, while the tutor of the company tutor will make a work offer that meets the needs of the company and it will always be a subsidized day.
The interests of both parties will allow the fulfillment of the previously approved program, thus ensuring the student’s training and continuous monitoring.
The person in charge of the company must supervise the development of the work activity, either by personally assuming this function when he/she carries out his/her professional activity in the company, or by designating, among his/her staff, a person to carry out the supervision, provided that, in both cases, he/she has the appropriate professional qualification and/or experience.
The figure of the person responsible for the company tutoring is fundamental within this training process, since he/she is the person responsible for the programming and exhaustive follow-up of the training of the trainees or students within the company.
The trainer supervises the trainees (this does not mean that he/she has to stay continuously with the trainees. The trainer can designate a person responsible for the students) and acts as a link with the persons responsible for tutoring designated by the training centers, acting as a liaison and jointly assessing the progress of each student under his or her charge.
- Planning the activities to be developed by the students in the company, which will be reflected in the plan-programming of the DUAL.
- Follow-up for the agreement of the training activity.
- Coordination of the work activity with the training activity.
- Coordination with the training center.
- Management of the students’ training activities in the work center.
- Guidance of the students during their stay in the company.
- Assessment of students’ progress, thus contributing to their final evaluation. Student’s activity follow-up notebook.
- Preparation of the report on the performance of the activity in the workplace.
- Evaluating the trainees together with the person in charge of tutoring at the educational center. Intermediate evaluation. Final evaluation.
Tripartite meetings (students – company tutoring manager – Miguel Altuna LHII tutoring manager):
At the beginning of June, the three parties will meet at the company to identify the type of competencies to be developed by the student body, the type of AR (learning outcomes) to be achieved and assessed and, finally, the type of activities to be carried out to achieve them.
Meeting sheet for the instructional manager – tutoring manager.
Meetings between the students and the company’s training manager.
Periodically the tutoring person and the students meet to identify the tasks to be carried out in the company, analyze the problems encountered and look for solutions. These meetings should be held more frequently than the tripartite meetings.
Meetings between the students and the tutoring manager of Miguel Altuna LHII.
Regular meetings will be held at the work center or at Miguel Altuna LHII, so that the student body and the person responsible for tutoring can analyze how the competencies are being acquired and how to improve. The competencies and ARs of the CDB are the reference for the evaluation.
Coordination between the person responsible for tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and the person responsible for instruction at the company will be carried out by e-mail, telephone and/or visits to the company by the person responsible for tutoring at the school with the agreed regularity and/or whenever required for coordination meetings.
The person responsible for tutoring the company, i.e. the person responsible for the instruction, must evaluate the student-trainee according to the form established above together with Miguel Altuna LHII. To this end, the center will clearly indicate how the trainee is to be monitored.
The person responsible for the company’s instruction can either make the assessment directly in paper or digital format, or transmit it to the person responsible for mentoring at Miguel Altuna LHII during the follow-up meetings, and then be collected by the person responsible for mentoring in a document or in a file or a computer platform.
Regardless of the evaluation method, the person responsible for the instruction will always have the support of the person responsible for tutoring at the Miguel Altuna LHII educational center, since that person is responsible for transferring the evaluation of the person responsible for tutoring in the company to a grading scale that will be included in the student’s file.
The assessment made by the person responsible for the company’s instruction must be taken into account in the evaluation of the student-trainee. For this, there must be transparency between the company and Miguel Altuna LHII, and the latter must conveniently transmit to the former the final results of the student and how it has included its assessment in these results.
In addition to assessing knowledge related to learning the profession, the person responsible for the instruction is asked to observe and assess other types of competencies and skills of the trainee or intern, such as: autonomy, initiative, organization, teamwork, problem-solving skills, etc. It is necessary to carry out this follow-up several times during the stay in the company in order to be able to see the evolution of the student or intern.
It is important that, in addition to assessing the learning outcomes and skills of the student or trainee, the person responsible for training in the company has a sheet to keep track of absenteeism and tardiness, with justifications for these, if applicable. It is necessary that the communication between the company and Miguel Altuna LHII is fluid and they know that the intern is regularly attending class and the company.
At the end of the DUAL, students receive a diploma in a public ceremony to which the participating companies are invited.
Lanbide Heziketa DUALa jada beste herrialde batzuetan egiaztatutako modalitatea da, non irakaskuntza- eta ikaskuntza-prozesuak txandakatzen baitira ikastetxean eta enpresan. Hala, ikas-ekinezko erregimeneko ikaslea ikastetxean nahiz enpresan jasotako konpetentziengatik eta gaitasunengatik ebaluatzen da.
LH DUALaren bidez, Lanbide Heziketako ikasleak lan-mundura hurbiltzeko eta sartzeko aukera dauka, etorkizuneko langileak izango direnei prestakuntza eskaintzeko orduan enpresak paper aktiboagoa izaten du, eta, horrenbestez, gazteen laneratzea errazten da. Azken finean, Lanbide Heziketa eta lan-mundua hobeto ezagutzeko modua da.
Informazio laburtua (enpresentzat).
INCENTIVES for companies for the subscription of Training and Apprenticeship contracts.
In companies with less than 250 employees, 100% reduction of the total Social Security contributions; and for companies with 250 or more employees, 75% reduction of the company’s contribution and 100% bonus of the employee’s contribution.
REQUIREMENTS to apply the Social Security reduction.
– The employed persons must be unemployed persons registered in Lanbide.
– To be up to date in the fulfillment of their tax and Social Security obligations both on the date of registration of the employees and during the application of the corresponding bonuses.
– Not to have been excluded from access to the benefits derived from the application of the employment programs for the commission of very serious infractions not prescribed, all in accordance with the provisions of Article 46.2 of the LISOS.
(Art. 6 of Law 43/2006, of December 29. BOE December 30, 2006)
- Employment relationships of a special nature.
- Hiring affecting spouses, ascendants, descendants and other relatives by blood or affinity, up to the second degree inclusive, of the employer or of those who have the business control, hold management positions or are members of the administrative bodies.
- Workers who in the 24 months prior to the date of the contract had provided services in the same company, group of companies or entity under an indefinite-term contract, or in the last 6 months under a fixed-term or temporary contract or under a training, relief or retirement replacement contract.
- Workers who have terminated their indefinite-term employment relationship in another company within a period of 3 months prior to the formalization of the contract. This exclusion will not apply when the termination of the contract is due to a recognized unfair dismissal or collective dismissal.
- Companies that have terminated or terminate subsidized contracts due to recognized or declared unfair dismissal or collective dismissal will be excluded for a period of twelve months from the subsidies established in this program. Said exclusion will affect a number of contracts equal to the number of terminations produced.
2,000 per year of training and apprenticeship contract subscribed under this program, to compensate the work of the person responsible for tutoring the company. See regulations.
REQUIREMENTS to benefit from this aid:
- The training inherent to the contract for training and apprenticeship must be provided directly by a vocational training center authorized to provide vocational training teachings or accredited to provide training aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism and participate in the annual programming of training for employment aimed at obtaining certificates of professionalism.
- The company must be up to date with its tax and Social Security obligations.
- The company must not be involved in a reimbursement or sanctioning procedure which, having been initiated in the framework of aids or subsidies of the same nature granted by the General Administration of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and its autonomous bodies, is still being processed.
- The applicant person or entity must not be administratively or criminally sanctioned with the loss of the possibility of obtaining public aids or subsidies, or be under any legal prohibition that disqualifies it, with express reference to those that have occurred due to gender discrimination in accordance with the provisions of the Sixth Final Provision of Law 4/2005, of February 18, for the Equality of Women and Men.
- The work center where the students will provide services under the training and apprenticeship contract must be located in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.
- The student must be registered as a job seeker in Lanbide before signing the employment contract.
- The payment of the grant will be made after its award as follows:
- 30% at the time of the grant.
- The remaining 70% will be paid in the following year, at the end of the contract, upon presentation of the corresponding supporting reports. SUPPORTING MEMORANDUM.
- In the case of contracts with a duration of more than 1 year, 70% will be paid in the following fiscal year, once the first year of the contract has elapsed.
INCENTIVES for the companies for the subscription of BECA: 100% bonus of the Social Security..
The work of the instructor is fundamental in dual vocational training. On the one hand, he/she must have technical and professional competences; but on the other hand, he/she must have transversal skills (be communicative, able to transmit his/her knowledge in an understandable way, motivating…).
The aim of this guide is to provide answers to the key questions that the trainer must know in order to carry out his or her work correctly.
For this purpose, we have been assisted by the Department of Economic Promotion, Rural Environment and Territorial Balance of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.