Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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“On the job training” is  a professional module with its own characteristics; therefore, it is essential to leave the center and develop the module in a company.

The objective is to ensure that the students who have developed the training processes at Miguel Altuna internalize knowledge, skills and attitudes in “daily practice”, as well as other types of work skills that cannot be developed in other cases, for example, in the context of the school.

The Miguel Altuna Professional School has agreements with more than 240 companies in Alto Deba and its surroundings: on the one hand, we try to ensure that students carry out their internships as close to home as possible; and on the other hand, we try to offer these companies the qualified people that best suit their needs.

In general, internships have the following characteristics:

Duration: 380 hours for Intermediate level courses and 360 hours for High level Courses (between March and June).

Hours (between March and June). Timetable: 35 hours per week.

Timetable: the one followed by the company.

Module evaluation: the company’s instructor and the person responsible for tutoring the students will meet to decide whether the trainee is APTABLE or NOT APTABLE. The most important aspect of this evaluation will be the attitude towards the work.

After all, the internship is a bridge to the working world for the students.

Responsable: Gorka Lazkano
Donde: Ibargarai 1, 20.570 Bergara
Horario de atención: De lunes a viernes, de 9:00 a 13:00 y de 16:00 a 19:30.
Tel.: 943 76 70 49