Vocational training is essential to guarantee the competence of companies, and must continue to be fundamental in order to offer competent professionals and services.
Miguel Altuna LHII is committed to training at all levels. In order to have a solid, competent and innovative industrial structure, Miguel Altuna LHII must adapt to the needs of companies, and for this it is essential to know the needs of its professionals today and in the future.
Lots of benefits with DUAL
DUAL VET is a modality that has already been proven in other countries and is characterised by the combined alternation of teaching and learning processes in the company and in the Miguel Altuna LHII training centre. The trainees are assessed on the basis of the training received in both places.
Through Dual Vocational Training, students are closer to the workplace, the company takes a more active role in the training of future professionals in the sector, and facilitates access to the world of work for new generations.
At the end of the day, it is a way of getting to know the world of work and Vocational Training better.
Cooperation between the Education System and the Labour System is increasingly necessary, especially if we take into account the changes experienced in recent years in business models, in the evolution of a widely internationalised market and in the consolidation of a clearly developing social mobility.
DUAL Vocational Training in the Basque Country has been growing rapidly in recent years. At Miguel Altuna LHII, since we started in 2012 (the first regulation at state level was that year), the number of students and participating companies has increased notably.
Therefore, in order to improve and facilitate the necessary procedures in the DUAL VET and thanks to the programme “companies committed to people and the territory” of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, at the Miguel Altuna LHII we have created this information guide, where you can consult all the information related to the VET in alternance.
It is a model that improves employability, since it allows students to have real contact with the work, obtaining professional experience and competitiveness and a greater integration between theory and practice, since the teaching center is not the only source of knowledge, and transforming learning into a dynamic and effective model.
Thus, the trainee receives guidance from the person in charge of tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and from the instructor of the partner company, in order to carry out practical work in which to directly apply the theoretical knowledge acquired, in turn, at Miguel Altuna LHII.
It is formalized by means of an employment contract for training and apprenticeship or a scholarship. It facilitates the incorporation of new generations to the labor market, promoting quality professionals.
Dual Vocational Training involves different agents that must work together, supporting each other, for the benefit of each agent and, especially, of the real protagonists of the training, i.e. the students and trainees.
Miguel Altuna LHII is one of the two places, together with the company, where students or trainees are trained in Dual Vocational Training.
People who want to study a training cycle apply for enrollment in an educational center that offers it; if they meet the requirements and there are enough places, they can start their training.
In Dual Vocational Training, the Miguel Altuna LHII educational center works closely with the company, to the benefit of both the company and the student-trainees.
Knowing first-hand the qualification needs of the surrounding companies helps the school when defining which training cycles to request from the Administration.
The Miguel Altuna Institute designates among its teachers the person responsible for the tutoring to program the training, together with the company’s instructor, and to monitor it at the workplace.
This person coordinates with the rest of the teachers and with the person responsible for tutoring in the company where the student-trainees carry out their training.
The objective of this coordination is to ensure that the students or interns receive all the contents established in the training cycle.
Head fo tutoring at Miguel Altuna FEATURES of the person in charge of tutoring:
- To know the students he/she trains well, thus being able to help the trainees fit in better with the companies.
- To know well the contents of the training cycles in which he/she teaches and those of other degrees.
- To have “commercial” skills to contact new training companies, visit them and maintain a close relationship with them.
- To be an open and decisive person when faced with incidents or problems that may arise.
- To be willing to keep up to date.
- To have the motivation to act as a link between the educational center and the companies and to support trainees and those responsible for company tutoring.
- To know the business network in the school’s area or be willing to investigate it.
DUTIES of the person in charge of mentoring at Miguel Altuna LHII:
- Determine the conditions of the generic training program.
- To visit the surrounding companies.
- To know the technological conditions of the company.
- Study and agree on the specific training program for each person and company.
- Agree with the person responsible for tutoring the company.
- Training positions.
- Program of activities.
- Explain to the students the conditions of the company.
- Tasks and jobs.
- Occupational health and safety issues in the sector.
- Introduce the students to the company.
- Visit the company (check the activities).
- Receiving the students at the school.
- Tutorial action (difficulties, clarify doubts, etc.).
- Study the company’s evaluation report.
- Attach to the student’s file.
- The company is the other place where DUAL VET students or trainees are trained.
- The company MUST:
- Plan with Miguel Altuna LHII the contents of the training that the students or trainees have to carry out in the workplace.
- Participate in the selection of interns according to fair and transparent criteria.
- Complete all mandatory documentation.
- To remunerate interns fairly.
- Pay Social Security contributions if the type of contract so requires.
- Choose, within its staff, the most suitable people to become responsible for company tutoring, train these people properly and provide them with the necessary resources for the proper performance of their duties.
- To train students and trainees in occupational hazards.
- Train interns in accordance with the profile of the cycle they are studying, providing them with an effective job and following the agreement with Miguel Altuna LHII.
- Respecting the rights of students and interns.
- Properly evaluate the student-trainees.
- Collaborate with the educational center, and jointly assess the strengths and areas for improvement.
The person in charge of the company must supervise the development of the work activity, either by personally assuming this function when he/she carries out his/her professional activity in the company, or by appointing, among his/her staff, a person to carry out the supervision; in both cases, this person must have the appropriate professional qualification and/or experience.
The figure of the person in charge of tutoring in the company is fundamental within this training process, since he/she is the person responsible for the programming and exhaustive follow-up of the training of the trainees or students within the company.
He/she acts as a link with the tutoring managers appointed by Miguel Altuna LHII, acting as a liaison and jointly assessing the progress of each student under his/her charge.
Duties of the person in charge of tutoring in the company:
- Follow-up for the agreement of the training activity.
- Coordination of the work activity with the training activity.
- Coordination with Miguel Altuna LHII.
- Management of the students’ training activities in the workplace.
- Guidance of students during their stay in the company.
- Assessment of the students’ progress, thus contributing to their final evaluation.
- Elaboration of the report on the performance of the activity in the workplace.
GUIDE of the trainer of the DUAL VET.
They are the true PROTAGONISTS of the DUAL Vocational Training.
In Dual Vocational Training, the student-trainees have a double requirement: training at Miguel Altuna LHII and work (also training) in the company. Therefore, students must have the attitude, ability, maturity and motivation to take it.
Dual Vocational Training allows the student-trainee to apply their learning in a practical way and in a real environment. In addition, it shortens the time of adaptation to the working world, and serves to gain confidence, since there they can feel a useful, productive and recognized person.
The work-training experience in the company becomes a plus in their Curriculum Vitae.
Once they have obtained their degree, students or trainees can be hired by the company or move to other companies. The skills obtained in Dual Vocational Training are beneficial for the entire labor market, and not only for the training company.
- It is a tool for the selection and recruitment of personnel.
- It prepares qualified personnel adapted to your needs and trained in your business processes and culture.
- Facilitates generational succession in the company.
- Flexible program adapted to the needs of the companies.
- Allows the student-trainee to identify with the company, its values and its way of doing things.
- Promotes its social responsibility by becoming a training company, conveys an image of dynamism, modernity and commitment to society, can gain presence in the media and thus increase its visibility.
- Goes from simply working to working and training.
- Acquires or improves skills such as teamwork, organization, conflict management and communication among others.
- They pass on their knowledge to new generations. And not only their professional skills, but also everything that cannot be found in books or manuals.
- It is enriched by the contributions of the trainee, since that person can learn new techniques or have skills that complement their own.
- The fact that the company assigns you the task of being responsible for tutoring trainees is a recognition on the part of the company, since it is saying “we trust you, we value your work and we want you to pass it on to the people who will work in our company in the future”.
- The relationship between the educational center and the company is solid and close.
- It knows the novelties and trends of the companies, in order to transmit them in the classroom to the students and interns.
- The teaching methodologies are updated to respond to business needs.
- It expands its educational offer and prestige.
- Employment contract with a minimum duration of one year (paying Social Security contributions).
- The periods of stay in the company alternate with those of the Miguel Altuna LHII educational center, with a wide business knowledge.
- Learn in real work situations, acquiring a minimum of one year of professional experience.
- Receives remuneration proportional to the work time according to the contract or agreement.
- Improves employability and increases your motivation.
- Improves productivity and employment.
- Improves student training in collaboration with companies.
- Facilitates the incorporation of new generations into the labor market, promoting quality professionals.
Administration and Finance
Design in Mechanical Manufacturing
Production Programming in Mechanical Manufacturing
Industrial Mechatronics
Industrial Automation and RoboticsINTERMEDIATE LEVEL COURSES (EQF LEVEL 4)
Electrical and Automatic Installations
Administrative ManagementSPECIALIZATION COURSES
DUAL vocational training is regulated by the following regulations:
JOINT ORDER of October 3, 2012, of the Ministers of Education, Universities and Research, and of Employment and Social Affairs and establishing the regulatory bases of the HEZIBI program of training and work in alternation for young people..