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Are you studying at Miguel Altuna LHII and want to know more about DUAL VET?

Or are you alternating training with work through DUAL VET and need some documents?

We provide you with all the necessary information and documentation.

This is the procedure:

  • Presentation of the FP DUAL to the students of Miguel Altuna LHII.
  • Those interested register in the Miguel Altuna LHII job bank ( This enables us to have up-to-date information, which speeds up the selection process.
  • The students’ teaching team carries out an initial assessment (at the end of the first evaluation), where technical skills and transversal skills (teamwork, autonomy, responsibility…) will be taken into account. At the end of the second assessment, the final assessment will be carried out, in which the students will be evaluated and ranked. If it is considered that any person is not suitable to participate in the DUAL, they will be duly informed by the person responsible for tutoring the group.
  • Companies inform about their needs and submit their applications.
  • The information on the offers received is shared with the students interested in the DUAL. The students’ opinion about the offers will also be collected (non-binding).
  • Miguel Altuna LHII sends the most appropriate CVs for each company offer.
  • The company selects the most suitable person.
  • This person signs the document “commitment of the person selected for the development of dual vocational training projects on an alternating basis” (training contract or training grant).
  • The training and apprenticeship contract is processed (registration with the Social Security and the contract is processed) or the grant is processed (registration with the Social Security and the grant is processed).
  • The person in charge of tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and the company’s instructor draw up a plan-programme describing the objectives and tasks to be carried out by the students and setting them out in a timetable.
  • The students are informed of the work method:
  • Student’s notebook.
  •           Follow-up (monthly meetings between the person in charge of tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and the company instructor).


It is necessary to carry out this monitoring during the stay in the company in order to be able to see the evolution of the students – trainees.

  • The company fills in the intermediate evaluation.
  • Final assessment: the trainee’s performance is assessed between the trainer and the trainee and between the person in charge of tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and the company trainer.

The assessment of the trainee is shared between the person responsible for tutoring at Miguel Altuna LHII and the trainer. This assessment will be reflected in the student’s marks, in one module or another, depending on the tasks carried out. In addition to assessing the knowledge related to learning the profession, the trainer is asked to observe and assess other types of competences and skills of the students or trainees, such as: autonomy, initiative, organisation, teamwork, problem-solving skills, etc.

The primary objective is to obtain the vocational qualification. If there is a risk that the student will not pass any of the vocational modules included in the DUAL vocational training plan on an alternating basis, he/she will continue his/her training programme in a regular way in a vocational training centre.

At the end, the students will receive an accreditation diploma at a public event to which the participating companies will be invited.

  • Employment contract or scholarship with Social Security contributions.
  • The periods of time spent in the company alternate with those of the educational centre, with extensive business knowledge.
  • You learn in real work situations, acquiring a minimum of one year’s professional experience.
  • Receives remuneration proportional to the work time according to the contract or agreement.
  • Improves employability and increases motivation.
  • At the end of the course, Miguel Altuna LHII students receive a diploma.


  • To know the selection criteria (technical and transversal skills).
  • To have accident and civil liability insurance and, in the case of a contract or grant, to have the company pay social security contributions on their behalf.
  • Receive training in occupational hazards.
  • To know their training plan in the company, and how they will be evaluated. Intermediate and final assessment.
  • To have a person responsible for tutoring to train them in the company and to maintain contact with the person responsible for tutoring at the educational centre.
  • Respect the established working hours.
  • Give their assessment of the training they receive in the company, for which the students will have to fill in an evaluation survey.
  • Once the project has finished, the students of Miguel Altuna LHII will receive a diploma signed by the company.


  • To have passed all the modules of the first year of the training cycle.
  • To complete the necessary documentation:
  • The commitment for the development of DUAL VET projects. Varies depending on the DUAL modality:
  • Contract commitment. Scholarship commitment.
  • Student activity notebook.
  • Fulfil the tasks set.
  • Maintain contact with their educational centre.
  • To be punctual and comply with the working day.
  • Respect their superiors.
  • Comply with the company’s rules and, in particular, with those on occupational risk prevention.
  • Maintain confidentiality with regard to data and technologies or knowledge specific to the company.

83/2015 DEKRETUA, ekainaren 2koa, Ikas-ekinezko erregimeneko Lanbide Heziketa Duala Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan ezartzen duena.

grafiko dual eus

Tripartite meetings (students – company tutoring manager – Miguel Altuna LHII tutoring manager):

At the beginning of June, the three parties will meet at the company to identify the type of competences to be developed by the students, the type of AR (learning outcomes) to be achieved and assessed and, finally, the type of activities to be carried out to achieve them.

Meeting sheet. Head of instruction – head of tutoring.

Meetings between students – company tutoring manager:

Periodically, the person in charge of tutoring and the learners or employees meet to identify the tasks to be carried out in the company, to analyse the problems encountered and to look for solutions. These meetings should be held more frequently than tripartite meetings.

Meetings between trainees and the person in charge of tutoring at the training centre:

Regular meetings will be held at the workplace or at the training centre; the learners and the mentor discuss how the competences are being acquired and how to improve. The competences and the CPD ARs are the benchmark for assessment.

Coordination between the person responsible for tutoring in the training centre and the person responsible for tutoring in the company will take place via email, telephone and/or visits to the company by the person responsible for tutoring in the training centre on an agreed regular basis and/or whenever required for coordination meetings.

The person responsible for mentoring in the company, i.e. the person responsible for the instruction, must assess the trainee-pupil according to the form established above together with Miguel Altuna LHII. To this end, the centre shall clearly indicate how the trainee is to be monitored.

The person responsible for the company’s instruction can either make the assessment directly on paper or digitally, or transmit it to the person responsible for tutoring at the educational centre during the follow-up meetings, and then have the person responsible for tutoring collect it in a document or in a file or on a computer platform.

At the halfway point of the stay, the mid-term evaluation form shall be filled in.

Whatever the form of assessment, the person responsible for the instruction will always have the support of the person responsible for tutoring at the educational centre, as it is that person who is responsible for transferring the assessment of the person responsible for tutoring at the company to a grading scale that will be included in the student’s file.

The assessment made by the person responsible for company tutoring must be taken into account in the assessment of the trainee-pupil. To this end, there must be transparency between the company and the educational centre, and the latter must properly transmit to the former the final results of the trainee and how it has included its assessment in these results.

In addition to assessing the knowledge related to learning the profession, the person responsible for the instruction is asked to observe and assess other types of competences and skills of the learner or trainee, such as: autonomy, initiative, organisation, teamwork, problem-solving skills, etc. It is necessary to carry out this monitoring several times during the stay in the company in order to be able to see the evolution of the student or trainee.

DUAL Vocational Training is a modality already accredited in other countries, where teaching and learning processes alternate in the centre and in the company. The alternating students are evaluated for the competences and skills acquired both in the centre and in the company.

Through Dual VET, vocational training students have the opportunity to approach and access the world of work, the company plays a more active role in providing training to future workers, which facilitates the incorporation of young people into the labour market. At the end of the day, this is the way to get to know Vocational Training and the world of work better.

Lanbide Heziketa DUALa dagoeneko beste herrialde batzuetan egiaztatutako modalitatea da, non irakaskuntza- eta ikaskuntza-prozesuak ikastetxean eta enpresan txandakatzen baitira. Ikas-ekinezko erregimeneko ikaslea ikastetxean nahiz enpresan jasotako konpetentziengatik eta gaitasunengatik ebaluatzen da.

LH DUALaren bidez, Lanbide Heziketako ikasleak lan-mundura hurbiltzeko eta sartzeko aukera dauka, enpresak paper aktiboagoa izaten du etorkizuneko langileak izango direnei prestakuntza eskaintzeko orduan, eta, horrenbestez, gazteen laneratzea errazten da. Azken finean, Lanbide Heziketa eta lan-mundua hobeto ezagutzeko modua da.


[Knowledge of selection criteria (technical and indirect qualifications).
[To be insured from accidents and social responsibility, and, in the case of contracts or scholarships, to be taxed by the company on Social Security.]
To receive training on occupational risk prevention.
To know how the company plans and evaluates. Evaluation will take place in two hours.
Intermediate evaluation
Final evaluation
* To be an instructor who will follow and value the company, and to be able to contact the LHII guardian Miguel Altuna.
* that the agreed period of work should be respected.
To validate the training provided by the company. He’ll have to fill out a poll.
* When the dual is done, the student will receive a diploma. The diplomas will be divided into a public event, to which participating companies will be invited.


It is necessary that all modules of the 1st grade in the education cycle are outdated.
* The necessary documentation must be carried out correctly:
1. The commitment to the development of the LH DUAL project. Compromise contract. Engagement scholarships.

2. The student’s notebook.
The implementation of the work agreed upon and associated with the study.
• Miguel Altuna to stay in touch with the LHII guardian while the project continues.
* To go to work on time and to fulfill the agreed time.
… respect for the owners.
In particular in the fields concerned with the prevention of workplace risks.
To respect confidentiality regarding information about business data, technologies, and applicable knowledge.

June 2, 2015, at the Duala Basque Autonomous Community of the Basque Country.

"The most appropriate way to respond to the qualified jobs that companies require"
