Agirrebidea, 2 · 20570 BERGARA  (Gipuzkoa) · Tel.: 943 899 270
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We live in an era where technological advances overtake us. The young people born in the new millennium are already in our classrooms. We are constantly reviewing our lines of work and innovating our contents and the new ways of doing to give an answer to the needs of this changing society.

Call it applied innovation, open innovation, strategic, radical, urrats bat, incremental , disruptive, commercial, Tkgune, social innovation, cosmic, pedagogical innovation, methodological, technological, digital, cyberinnovation, Ethazi, innovation based on knowledge, innovation, competitive intelligence, knowledge management, ideas management…

In order to be able to carry out any of them, emotional innovation is essential as well as having an innovative spirit. At Miguel Altuna Lanbide Heziketa we’re on it.

"We are constantly reviewing our lines of work and innovating our contents and the new ways of doing to give an answer to the needs of this changing society."